- Cadet Corps Overview & Aim
- Activities & Training Programme
- Social Services
- Allowances
- Promotion Opportunity
- Eligibility
- Enrolment
- Fees
- Health Awareness and Promotion Programme for Youth (HAPPY)
- Cadets Conversion Programme (CCP)
- Download Application Form
1. Cadet Corps Overview & Aim
Founded in 2011, the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) Cadet Corps is a youth group under the AMS of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The AMS Cadet Corps is committed to equipping its cadets who are aged 12 to 18 years old with professional knowledge and skills of healthcare, hygiene and health, cultivating their self-discipline and sense of responsibility through discipline training, instilling correct values among the members and nurturing them into good citizens.
In addition to the education on healthcare and public hygiene, the AMS Cadet Corps also provides various trainings for its members. The "Health Awareness and Promotion Programme for Youth (HAPPY)" launched in 2021 also provides cadets with relevant information regarding the healthcare industry and career-oriented training so as to enable members to acquire a deeper understanding of the medical profession, set up learning goals in advance and facilitate their future planning.
2. Activities & Training Programme
The Cadet Corps is committed to equipping its cadets with professional knowledge and skills of healthcare, public hygiene and etc. with a focus on whole-person development of core healthcare basis. It will also help them develop good manners and character through discipline training so that they will grow into pillars of society in the future.
(1) Induction course for new cadet members (three days, 24 hours in total): including AMS orders, first-aid skills, foot drill, discipline, and basic etiquette.
(2) Regular training (3 hours of regular training and outdoor training on designated Saturday afternoons every month): including AMS orders, skills of disaster medical assistance, Chinese-style foot drill, discipline, basic etiquette, and national security education.
(3) Advanced training courses:
- Physical fitness training (Chinese-style foot drill training);
- Public health / infection control;
- Health education / health promotion;
- Basic nursing care;
- Psychosocial first aid / mental health;
- Visits to different medical facilities;
- National security education & civic education;
- Anti-drug education;
- Personal development; and
- Others: study tour, hiking, orienteering, camp craft, leadership training, the Hong Kong Award for Young People, etc.
3. Social Services
Cadets are required to take part in a range of social services on different occasions, including major events (such as the Hong Kong Marathon, Lunar New Year fair and the Cheung Chau Island Floating Colours Parade during the Cheung Chau Bun Festival, etc.), environmental protection events in country parks, visits to residential care homes for the elderly, and other social service programmes.
4. Allowances
Since cadets mainly receive training and participate in group activities, they are not eligible to receive any pay and allowances. However, they will be paid half a ration allowance for continuously attending training for 4 hours and an entire ration allowance for continuously attending training for 8 hours or above. Special arrangements may be made for individual courses or activities.
5. Promotion Opportunity
Cadets with outstanding performance will be promoted to Senior Cadet, Deputy Cadet Leader, Cadet Leader and Senior Cadet Leader.
6. Eligibility
- Youngsters aged 12 to under 16 years;
- Hold an Hong Kong Identity Card;
- Able to speak Cantonese and read simple Chinese;
- Obtain a written consent from a parent or guardian; and
- Submit a completed application form for our screening.
7. Enrolment
Youngsters who are interested in joining our Cadet Corps may bring the required documents (including: Hong Kong Identity Card and the application form signed by a parent or guardian) and attend the monthly walk-in interview without prior appointments. Applicants may also submit the completed application form to the AMS Headquarters (81 Princess Road, Homantin, Kowloon) by post. The AMS will send a written interview invitation to the applicants upon receipt of the application form. Medical examination will be arranged for applicants who have passed the recruitment interview. The AMS will inform eligible applicants of the arrangements of the induction course and training schedule.
Interviews will be conducted on the third Saturday of each month. Please refer to the walk-in interview schedule for the exact dates.
8. Fees
There are no charges to join the Cadet Corps. We will provide free uniforms and equipment for all cadets.
9. Health Awareness and Promotion Programme for Youth (HAPPY)
In 2021, the AMS Cadet Corps launched the Health Awareness and Promotion Programme for Youth (HAPPY), which is committed to promoting whole-person development with healthcare as core for the cadet members. In April 2023, the AMS signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hong Kong Metropolitan University to officially launch a series of academic and service collaborations (HAPPY to U), including the "Online Self-Study Certificate Course in Medical and Public Health", with a view to nurturing more healthcare talents for Hong Kong.
Courses offered under this program include:
- Online Self-Study Certificate Course in Medical and Public Health
- Medical and First Aid Attendance Certificate Course
- Basic First Aid Certificate Course
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator(AED) Certificate Course
10. Cadets Conversion Programme (CCP)
The Cadets Conversion Programme (CCP) is launched to better equip a cadet with healthcare knowledge for application in his or her future endeavours. A cadet who is aged 16 or above will undergo specific training and sit for examinations. After passing all the required examinations, the cadets will proceed to adult membership registration, selection interviews and medical examinations as arranged for the purpose of serving as adult members. If cadets meet the requested requirements, they will be transformed into adult members and continue to apply the health and medical knowledge they have learned to serve the society. For cadets aged 16 or above who would like to directly apply to become an adult member, please click here.