Walk-in Interview (Adult Member and Cadet)

Date : Third Saturday of each month (Schedule)
Venue : Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters, 81 Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin
Time : 14:00 – 20:30

Those aged 16 to below 60 with interest to join as adult members, and those aged 12 to below 16 with interest to join as cadets, could walk in, complete an application and attend walk-in interview. No booking of appointment is required!

Applying to join as adult member [Grade I Officer, Senior Grade V Officer (Medical Officer II) and Grade IV Officer (Nurse II)], please bring along the following required documents on the day of interview:-

  1. Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card
  2. one recent photo
  3. original and photocopy of academic qualification proof of Secondary 3 or above (with results of Chinese Language Subject)
  4. original and photocopy of driving licence / Government Driving Permit (if any)
  5. original and photocopy of registration / practising certificate of nurse, Hong Kong (if any)
  6. original and photocopy of Licences of Registration / Practising Certificates of Medical Practitioner, Hong Kong (if any)
  7. for applicants aged below 18, they have to be either accompanied by parent / guardian. They may also first download the application form, invite their parent / guardian to sign the part on consent and submit the form during the walk-in interview

Procedures of Recruitment Interview for applying to join as adult member

  1. Complete application form
  2. Present required documents
  3. Walk-in Interview
  4. Chinese written test if necessary (for applicants failing to submit academic qualification proof of Chinese proficiency)
  5. Medical examination will be arranged for applicants who have passed the recruitment interview. The Auxiliary Medical Service will promptly inform those who have passed the medical examination of the arrangements and schedule of the induction training.

Applying to join as cadet, please bring along the following required documents on the day of interview:-

  1. Hong Kong Identity Card
  2. for applicants aged 12 to below 16, they have to be either accompanied by parent / guardian. They may also first download the application form, invite their parent / guardian to sign the part on consent and submit the form during the walk-in interview

Procedures of Recruitment Interview for applying to join as cadet

  1. Complete application form
  2. Present required documents
  3. Walk-in Interview
  4. Medical examination will be arranged for applicants who have passed the recruitment interview. The Auxiliary Medical Service will promptly inform those who have passed the medical examination of the arrangements and schedule of the induction training.

2024-2025 Walk-in Interview Schedule

Date Time Venue
15 March 2025 14:00 – 20:30 Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters 81 Princess Margaret Road, Ho Man Tin
19 April 2025
17 May 2025
21 June 2025

Special Arrangements for Typhoon, Rainstorm and “Extreme Conditions”

The arrangements of walk-in interview for typhoon, rainstorm or “extreme conditions” are as follows:-
  • Before the walk-in interview
Signal/Warning Interview Arrangement
Standby Signal No.1 / Amber Rainstorm Signal Proceeds as scheduled
Strong Wind Signal No. 3 / Red Rainstorm Signal Proceeds as scheduled
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or Higher / “Extreme Conditions” If the signal is announced or remains in force two hours before the interview: the interview will be cancelled.
If the Hong Kong Observatory announces that the signal will be issued two hours before the interview: the interview will be cancelled.
If the Government makes the “extreme conditions” announcement two hours before the interview: the interview will be cancelled.
Please attend the walk-in interview at the same time on the third Saturday of next month (Schedule).
Black Rainstorm Signal If the signal is announced or remains in force two hours before the interview: the interview will be cancelled. Please attend the walk-in interview at the same time on the third Saturday of next month (Schedule).

  • During the walk-in interview
Signal/Warning Interview Arrangement
Standby Signal No.1 / Amber Rainstorm Signal Continues
Strong Wind Signal No. 3 / Red Rainstorm Signal Continues
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or Higher / “Extreme Conditions” When the Hong Kong Observatory issues the signal or announces that the signal will be issued, or when the Government makes the “extreme conditions” announcement: the interview will stop immediately
Black Rainstorm Signal When the Hong Kong Observatory issues the signal: the interview will continue, but those who have not yet arrived at the Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters should stop their journey and stay in a safe indoor place.

In times of typhoon, rainstorm or “extreme conditions”, the Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters will continue to assess the actual situation and timely provide further instructions when necessary.