Electronic Forms (Online Application)
On-line application can be made through the following websites:
- Application for Enrolment in the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS)
- Application for Enrolment in the Auxiliary Medical Service Cadet Corps (AMSCC)
- Application for First Aid Service
- Application for Non-Emergency Ambulance Transfer Service (NEATS)
- Application for Provision of Volunteer Service for Non-profit Making Organisations by the AMS Volunteer Team
- Application for Visit to the AMS Headquarters
Download Application Forms
If you cannot submit an online application, you may download the application form from the following links. The completed application can be submitted via the followings:
- by post to the Auxiliary Medical Service Headquarters, 81 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon;
- by fax at 2715 0245; or
- by email to info@ams.gov.hk.
- Application Form for the Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS)
- Application Form for the AMS Cadet Corps (AMSCC) / Introduction to the AMSCC
- Request for First Aid Service
- Request for Non-emergency Ambulance Transfer Service (NEATS) / Introduction to the NEATS
- Request for the Provision of Volunteer Service for Non-profit Making Organisations by the AMS Volunteer Team
- Request for Visit to the AMS Headquarters
- Request for Access to Personal Information