2023 Environmental Protection Report


This is the twenty-fifth Environmental Protection Report of the Auxiliary Medical Service. In this report, you will find our environmental protection policy, the specific environmental protection initiatives in different aspects that were carried out in 2023 and our performance in carrying out these initiatives. We are committed to improving our environmental protection performance and providing our services in an environmentally responsible manner. This is primarily done through the optimal use of resources and energy as well as the proper disposal of clinical waste generated in the course of providing our services. In 2023, we particularly focused on reducing our consumption of energy and paper, using cleaner fuel and collecting recyclable office products for recycling. This year, we hope to further improve our environmental protection performance by practicing green procurement of medical supplies, tightening vehicle maintenance, raising in-house awareness and sense of responsibility regarding environmental protection in order to fulfill our environmental commitments.

Environmental Protection Policy

The Auxiliary Medical Service is responsible for augmenting the HKSAR's regular medical and health service to help maintain the quality of the medical service for the well-being of the people of Hong Kong. We provide our services through a well-trained, professional and committed force. In carrying out our activities and operations, we are committed to improving our environmental protection performance by:

  1. a)Meeting the requirements of all applicable environmental protection ordinances or regulations;
  2. b)Raising the awareness of staff and members to ensure that they know their overall environmental protection responsibilities, understand the direct and indirect environmental impacts that may arise from their activities, and appreciate the importance of complying with environmental protection policies;
  3. c)Ensuring good management practices by reviewing them regularly to verify their effectiveness and validity in achieving our environmental protection objectives;
  4. d)Minimizing the use of energy and resources and reducing the generation of waste by promoting effective and efficient reduction methods; and
  5. e)Incorporating environmental protection management into training programmes for personnel whose jobs have significant environmental impacts.

AMS Key Interactions with the Environment and How We Aims to Manage Them

At AMS, we strive to improve our environmental protection performance when carrying out our daily activities to provide quality first aid and supplementary emergency health services for the people of Hong Kong. We recognize the potential impacts on the environment due to our activities and operations. Our major activities and operations relevant to the environment include:

  1. a)First aid coverage services;
  2. b)Ambulance and vehicle fleet maintenance;
  3. c)Office administrative work; and
  4. d)Procurement of products and services.

For each of these areas, the AMS has identified potential environmental impacts and established control measures to address associated issues. In particular, we have defined 6 areas of environmental protection controls, including:

  1. i)Legal compliance;
  2. ii)General material consumption and waste management;
  3. iii)Clinical waste management;
  4. iv)Energy conservation;
  5. v)Fleet management; and
  6. vi)Enhancement of environmental protection knowledge and awareness.
In addition, we have designated specific personnel to be responsible for ensuring that appropriate environmental measures are put in place. Table A summaries the potential environmental impacts caused by the major activities and the responsible persons for the corresponding improvement programmes.

Activities Potential Environmental Impacts Responsible Persons for Implementation of Improvement Programme
First aid coverage services Generation of clinical wastes Senior Operations and Training Officer (Operations)
Ambulance maintenance Consumption of fuel and water; air emission; generation of waste water and other waste, use of refrigerants and generation of clinical waste Senior Operations and Training Officer (Specialized Services Section)
Office administrative work Consumption of natural resources such as energy and paper; generation of waste Executive Officer
Procurement of products and services A combination of environmental impacts arising from the manufacturing processes of products or those used in our services to their disposal down Supplies Officer, AMS
Policy issues To carry out environmental reviews to give technical advice regarding environmental protection measures and promotion of environmental awareness; to ensure green housekeeping of the department Green Manager
Housekeeping To assist the Green Manager to ensure green housekeeping of the department Deputy Green Manager

Table A.
Activities, Potential Environmental Impacts and Designated Responsible Persons

Our Green Initiatives and Performance in 2023

We continued to follow the green measures taken in 2022. We reduced the use of batteries, ball pens, toner cartridges and disposed them properly. We also continued to encourage the best use of paper by asking staff and volunteers to:

  • Use 'scrap' paper
  • Use the reverse side of paper
  • Use recycled paper
  • Use double-side photocopying
  • Reuse file jackets
  • Reuse envelopes or use transit envelopes
  • Communicate by e-mail
  • Use old sets of documents for circulation

Material Consumption

Paper and Other Office Supplies

  • We uploaded most of our orders, notices and circulars on our website to save paper. Paper consumption was 1,305 reams in 2023.
  • All circulars and orders were circulated to staff by using the intranet system in AMS HQ.
  • The consumption of envelopes was 32,100 in 2023.
  • We used green and recyclable batteries for all cordless phones.

Green Procurement

In 2023, we procured environmental-friendly products and office supplies.

  • 99% of the paper used was recycled paper.
  • Energy-saving office supplies such as photocopiers and plain paper fax machines were used.

Energy Conservation

Staff were reminded to switch off lights/air conditioners during lunch hours or when they leave the office for long hours and strive to keep the room temperature at the appropriate temperature in order to save energy. We strive to reduce the consumption level of electricity. The total amount of electricity consumed in 2023 was 685,576 kWh. Moreover, we carefully planned the training schedules. Used equipment with energy saving features and encouraged staff to use staircases instead of lifts for inter-floor traffic.

Carbon Emission Audits

By carrying out regular carbon emission audits, the Auxiliary Medical Service strives to reduce carbon emissions of our buildings with a view to identifying different sources of emissions and implementing effective measures. In 2023, the total emission of greenhouse gases from our headquarters building amounted to 328.91 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Waste Manage

We encouraged staff to reduce the generation of waste. In 2023, we collected 1,947 kg of waste paper for recycling.

Clinical Waste

The clinical waste mainly includes contaminated swabs, dressings and similar substances or products. We produce a certain amount of clinical waste in creating casualties in first aid coverage. We segregated clinical waste from municipal waste for special collection, handling and disposal in accordance with the Code of Practice for the Management of Clinical Waste. We strived to maintain full compliance with the Code in all operations.

Fleet Management

Regular vehicle maintenance was carried out to ensure the vehicles could pass the emission standard. Meanwhile, all AMS non-emergency ambulances were installed with fans for ventilation inside the compartments. Drivers were reminded to switch off the idle engines while waiting for patients who have to travel between clinics or their homes. They all strictly complied with the air control regulations. AMS replaced all its non-emergency ambulances with LPG vehicles in August 2006.

Summary of consumption

Year Electricity (kWh) Paper (reams) Envelope (Nos.)
2022 847,613 1,720 46,376
2023 685,576 1,305 32,100

Environmental Information and Awareness

To sustain our work on environmental protection, our staff was regularly reminded of the means of waste reduction and energy conservation. Under community service programmes, such as the Fire Safety Ambassador Scheme, AMS members learnt how to prevent fire and keep country parks clean. In order to disseminate environmental information and promote awareness, promotional leaflets and sheets were posted on all AMS display boards for staff / members to read.

Objectives and Targets for the year 2024

Green measures taken in 2023 will continue in 2024. We will promote environmental protection awareness among staff and members and encourage them to participate in environmental protection activities. We will seek further improvement in the efficient use of resources and energy in the years ahead. This includes gradually rolling out electronic systems to digitise a range of paper documents, and replacing all traditional light pipes in the headquarters offices and corridors with energy-saving light pipes. We will try our best to minimize the consumption of paper and electricity.


We welcome any suggestions or comments on our commitments in relation to environmental protection. Please write to our Departmental Green Manager at 81, Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon, HK; or email to : kcsiu@ams.gov.hk or call us at 2762 2020.

Indoor Air Quality Certificate

Indoor Air Quality Certificate(Good Class)

Click to view "2022 Environmental Protection Report"